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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The birth of the Idol (GUEST ENTRY)

There was a snowfall and my sister turned into a snowman (which, in Polish would be translated as an IDOL). So she became an idol of the old world and her skin is all covered with silver and gold and now I am only worried that she will weigh too much and they won't allow me to take her on board without paying extra fees... Could I maybe post her home and count that Royal Mail is not a bunch of little thieving dwarfs?... But that's tomorrow. I will worry tomorrow.
Tonight on the other hand I was woken up by a crowd of little creatures with twisted arms, with humps on their backs, with deformed faces and third and fourth eyes placed randomly on their bodies. They all wanted to greet a new idol that appeared on Earth. I had to get up and I attempted on organising them into a queue so each of them could rub their scary and pale cheeks on her hand without awakening the old power that had inhabited her body so suddenly. When the sun had started to slowly emerge from behind the forest line I started to quietly and with a whisper "shuu!" and "go away" them as even I was ever so slightly afraid of the little one (now, mind you, not so little and all covered in precious metals) to wake up: no-one knew if the idol she became is an old but benevolent power or maybe she has rather transformed into a cruel old creature that can (and will) - even just for her own entertainment - change whoever she encounters into a pulsating yet conscious mass...
So, I have managed to get rid off all the freaks of nature and sat very quietly at her side and waited for her silver eyelids with golden eye-lashes to part and allow rays of sun to enter her eyes (which used to be blue not so long ago and now I didn't even know what colour I should expect  - has her inside also become a precious metal or is she, somewhere deep inside, still this fragile human being that I used to know all her life?...). She moved for the first time ten minutes after nine. She rolled onto her side and opened her mouth from which in one (and quite elegant - it's hard not to be graceful and elegant when you are made out of silver and gold with shiny little onyxes that are attached to your scalp so they imitate the once present hair) motion she has disposed all of the organic, and it seems no longer needed, guts. She opened her eyes (blue it was no more) and froze again.
Once it was obvious that there is no imminent danger from her side, the deformed creatures started to fill the room once again. And as before, I took upon myself a role of the highest priest and made sure that only one at a time (and only for a few seconds  - as long as it takes me to count one - two - three) approaches her hand and whispers greetings and asks for a blessing. So: one - two - three; one - two - three; one - two - three...

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