That's what the sea does to me - I stop worrying about all the unnecessary stuff that preoccupies me on land and I know who is a good companion and who will back me up when I need it.
I get no crap for sleeping with wrong people, nor for sleeping with right people, nor for anything I do and I do love these breaks. On land things evolve into unnecessary dramas for no matter how treacherous is the sea, a woman will always be more so.
But one can't stay at sea forever and so I have returned to my port of call. And so the rapid thoughts of girls alike came rushing through my head and I wondered where to go next. Shall I stay low or am I out of the dog house now? But this is my life and my happiness I'm talking about. If I'm in a dog house may I at least be an Alfa dog?
A real sailor needs three things - a good tattoo, excellent sailing skills and a girl awaiting in a port. I have four pretty decent tattoos and I'm learning how to sail so there seems to be only one thing left to do. Visit ports to have a chance to meet the girl.
I might have been meeting wrong girls aplenty. Married girls, girls straight to their bones, girls with ex-girlfriends, girls with girlfriends.. I had them all. But it's okay, that was my force 9 or maybe that was my no wind. It's time now to trim that sail for there are fish in the sea better than have ever been caught. And one of them has my name on it.
So I could stay low and take no risk and no gamble. That would be life without stress. But life without stress is not a full life. A ship in the harbour is safe but that's not what ships are built for. A girl at home is safe but that's not what girls are made for.
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