Expressed views, opinions and interpretations of events are author's only. They are published solely for entertainment purposes and shall be treated as such. Licentia poetica applies.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Mary-Anne is a bitch

This is a genuine story.
I met a girl and I liked her. I tried to ask her out and her answer was a constant 'maybe but no but maybe'. I thought
"Come on, it's either fuck yeah or fuck off, why is it so difficult?"
After a week she said
"It's awkward, maybe I'll explain one day. It's a no."
Weird but I let her be.
End of story. Not.

Some time later I found out unexpectedly and very randomly that she used to go out with my X. I confirmed the information at source.
"How bizarre," I thought, "it shouldn't be hard to say so if that was the case".
Then came a realisation - I was cock-blocked by my X! Peculiar for we are all lesbians but true. Maybe a bit funny, maybe a bit bitter. Universe, what do you do to me?!
Then another realisation came - I was probably the last idiot in the village to find out what that was all about. And I wondered how come no-one told me anything. It would make sense to talk to me!
So I asked my friend if she knew. And from the first reply I saw that something very bad would happen. And it did. I couldn't stop it. After all, I'm just a Pole and I do everything with my full heart. When I love - I love, when I fight - I fight. I asked for an information and all hell broke loose. Bang! I don't know why and I don't know how and looking back at what led to this I can only repeat one statement - not guilty of anything.
I am, however, sad and angry and broken. So, dear reader, please take a minute and think well of me. Maybe even have a little drink to my health. And listen with me to Regina, cause Regina makes everything better :)

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