Expressed views, opinions and interpretations of events are author's only. They are published solely for entertainment purposes and shall be treated as such. Licentia poetica applies.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The Blogging Project

Some long time ago my Dad said, 'If you want to write, you have to write.'
He was damn right. He also suggested that I could have my blog and use it as a daily writing exercise. The idea seemed good and very well suited but, as we say, I didn't know how to bite on it. I started two blogs, they lived a splendid butterfly life and that was it.
With the beginning of this year my friend, who is an upcoming writer, started her blog. She writes about writing and other stuff and keeps me entertained during long shifts at work. Not only that of course. I read and learn and get inspired.

And so it happened today that I decided to do it. The Blogging Project. Write something, anything for twenty minutes a day.

Multiple advantages:
- excellent writing exercise
- perfect routine exercise
- opportunity for ideas to grow
- dump place for all the things I often instantly want to say but on occasions there's no-one right next to me to share that with

What is it going to be about?
Life, love, lust.
Nice slogan, innit? But probably quite true. Life is all we have. Love is often all we want (or I do at least). And lust.. well..

I had two blogs already started so I decided to continue with one of them, which is the current one. The other one is called '30 things before I'm 30'. However, I'm over thirty now so that didn't seem appropriate. Nevertheless, I have 40 things before I'm 40 list (yes I do) and I may write about it here from time to time.

1 comment:

Ceri Lowe-Petraske said...

I am inspired by your inspiration ;-) and I am loving your challenge. Let us both write for 20 mins a day about anything and everything and let the brightest of lights shine in the dark hours of our departures as an almost famous writer once said x